
时刻小站 148

amble (ˈæmbəl)

[Middle English amblen, from Old French ambler, from Latin ambulāre, to walk.]


a leisurely walk (usually in some public place)【漫游;闲逛】


walk leisurely【漫游;闲逛】

=stroll, walk, wander, ramble, meander, saunter, dawdle, mosey (informal)

We ambled along in front of the houses.【我们在房屋前漫步。】

ambush (ˈæmbʊʃ)



the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise【埋伏】


wait in hiding to attack【伏击】

Rebels ambushed and killed 10 patrolmen.【叛军伏击并杀死了 10 名巡逻人员。】

ameliorate(əˈmiːljəˌreɪt) v

to make or become better;【改善,改良】

[C18: from meliorate, influenced by French améliorer to improve, from Old French ameillorer to make better, from meillor better, from Latin melior]

=improve, better, benefit, reform, advance, promote, amend, elevate, raise, mend, mitigate, make better, assuage, meliorate

Nothing can be done to ameliorate the situation.【没有什么可以改善这种情况。】可理解为于事无补

amenable(əˈmiːnəbəl) adj

Willing to carry out the wishes of others:【愿意服从的;通情达理的】


amend (əˈmɛnd) v

make amendments to【修正,修改】

to make better【改善】


amendment (əˈmɛndmənt) n

the act of amending or correcting【改正,修正】

a statement that is added to or revises or improves a proposal or document (a bill or constitution etc.)【修正案】



amenity (əˈmiːnɪtɪ) n

the quality of being pleasant and friendly:【礼仪】

=civility, courtesy, pleasantry, politeness, propriety(used in plural).

Anythingthat increases physical comfort:【使人感到舒适的事物】

amiable (ˈeɪmɪəbəl) adj

a(表强调)+mi(me 我的异化)+able(形容词性)联想为,我很和蔼可亲

having or displaying a pleasant or agreeable nature【和蔼的,亲切的】

=pleasant, kind, kindly, pleasing, friendly, attractive, engaging, charming, obliging, delightful, cheerful, benign, winning, agreeable, good-humoured, lovable, sociable, genial, affable, congenial, winsome, good-natured, sweet-tempered,likableorlikeable

amicable (ˈæmɪkəbəl) adj

[MiddleEnglish, from Late Latin amīcābilis, from Latin amīcus,friend.]

characterized by or exhibiting friendliness or goodwill;【友好的】

=friendly, kindly, brotherly, civil, neighbourly, peaceful, polite, harmonious, good-humoured, amiable, courteous, cordial, sociable, fraternal, peaceable

≠hostile, belligerent, unkind, unfriendly, antagonistic, disagreeable, pugnacious, bellicose, quarrelsome, impolite, inimical, unsociable, uncivil, ill-disposed

amity (ˈæmɪtɪ) n

a peaceful relationship, as between nations; friendship; harmony.

=friendship, understanding, accord, peace, harmony, goodwill, fellowship, fraternity, brotherhood, tranquillity, friendliness, concord, comradeship, cordiality, peacefulness, kindliness, comity, amicability

Over the past two decades the countries have lived in amity.【在过去的二十年里,两国友好相处。】

amnesia (æmˈniːzjə; -ʒjə; -zɪə) n


a defect in memory, esp one resulting from apathologicalcause, such asbrain damage or hysteria【健忘症】

amnesty (ˈæmnɪstɪ) n

a period during which offenders are exempt from punishment【大赦,特赦】

=general pardon, mercy, pardoning, immunity, forgiveness, reprieve, oblivion, remission(of penalty), clemency, dispensation, absolution, condonation

amorphous (əˈmɔːfəs) adj


Having no distinct shape:【无定形的】

=shapeless, vague, irregular, nondescript, indeterminate, unstructured, nebulous, formless, inchoate, characterless, unformed, unshaped, unshapen

A dark, amorphous shadow filled the room.【一个黑暗的、无定形的阴影充满了房间。】

amortize (əˈmɔːtaɪz) or amortise v


to liquidate (a debt), esp. by periodic payments to the creditor.【分期偿还】

amphibian (æmˈfɪbɪən)


a flat-bottomed motor vehicle that can travel on land or water可以在陆地或水上行驶的平底机动车辆,即【水陆两栖车】

an airplane designed to take off and land on water一种被设计用于在水上起飞和降落的飞机,即【水陆两栖飞机】

cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water冷血脊椎动物,通常生活在陆地上,但在水中繁殖,即【两栖动物】


relating to or characteristic of animals of the class Amphibia【两栖的】

ample (ˈæm pəl) adj

more than sufficient【富足的】


large in size, extent, or amount【相当大的】

amplify(ˈæmplɪˌfaɪ) v

increase in size, volume or significance【放大,增大】

=aggrandize,augment,boost,build,build up,burgeon,enlarge,escalate,expand,extend,grow,increase,magnify,mount,multiply,proliferate,rise,run up,snowball,soar,swell,upsurge,wax.

to express at greater length or in greater detail:【详述】

amplitude (ˈæmplɪˌtjuːd) n

(physics) the maximum displacement of a periodic wave【(物理学)周期波的最大位移】

greatness of magnitude【广阔】

amulet(ˈæmjʊlɪt) n


a charm worn to ward off evil or to bring good fortune用来驱邪或带来好运的符咒,即【护身符】

=charm, fetish, juju, periapt, phylactery, talisman.

amuse (əˈmjuːz) v


to keep pleasantly occupied;【使愉快】

=entertain, please, delight, charm, cheer, tickle, gratify, beguile, enliven, regale, gladden

make (somebody) laugh【逗笑某人】

anachronistic/ əˌnækrəˈnɪstɪk / adj



anaerobic (ˌænɛəˈrəʊbɪk) adj


living or active in the absence of free oxygen【厌氧的】

anaerobic bacteria【厌氧菌】

not aerobic【无氧的】

anaerobic exercises【无氧运动】

≠aerobic, aerophilic, aerophilous【有氧的】




